Tuesday 11 December 2012

Made pancakes for this morning's breaky!

Please don't judge my pancakes on the looks =( I know it looks a little imbalanced in the colors. But to be honest, it's nice to have a good kick start in the morning and then follow on the rest of the day. Of course I don't only make just one awkward lonely pancake as shown above. Haha! I think roughly I've made 6-7 pancakes this morning. And by the way, I don't use those ready made pack that you could just add milk and be ready to cook it. 
Here are the ingredients I used:
- Self-raising flour
- Eggs
- Milk
- Sugar
- Salt (just a pinch)
(so sorry i couldn't provide the measurements, i just roughly measure them. I'll soon update ya)
The directions:
1) Sieve the self-raising flour
2) Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, sugar, salt)
3) On the other bowl, separate the egg whites and the yolk
4) Beat the whites till it's fluffy (some recommend till stiff peaks)
5) Pour the milk to the egg yolk mixture and whisk them nicely
6) Mix the milk and egg yolk mixture into the dry ingredients
7) Lastly, pour the egg whites and use folding method to mix everything up 
8) Lightly grease your pan with butter and you can start cooking 'em

The reason why i beat the egg whites till fluffy it's because it'll make the pancakes to have a soft texture. And yup, I eat them with nutella. Nicey! =) 

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